
The Brownstone Bin story begins in a charming small town known as Park Slope in a big city known as Brooklyn, during the dark early days of the Covid Epidemic, in 2020. The product has been created by the family-owned real estate company Brownstone Property Group (established 2004), in response to building-owner clients clamoring for solutions to their messy and unsightly garbage situations.
After researching marketplace options, and finding the plastic, wood, and rusty-metal bins unsatisfactory, the Brownstone team found that an all-aluminum bin would best serve clients’ needs.
So, an experienced designer, and skilled metal-workers were added to the team. After investing lots of ideas and testing and time, the Brownstone team has emerged from the pandemic fog, proud to present the elegant, resilient, weather- and rodent-resistant trash enclosure hereafter known as BrownstoneBin.
Download the BrownstoneBin flyer, here.